Daniel McCree Foundation

Daniel McCree Foundation

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Heaven's Ahead Mister~Just Do What you Do


February 1, 2011

Notes from the Editor:

February is here, and the cold has not only set in, but makes the bones brittle under the warmth-stealing winds. So in the past few months, so many things have come to pass, and much of the routines I have held for nearly 4 years has come to a rather abrupt change.

In the days leading up to the path diversion I came accross this quote... which Daniel wrote in 2005. It along with a better known quote, really guided me through some decisions that could not be made without careful reflection.

"...Reparitions bestowed upon soluble society and chunks for monkeys; Heavens ahead mister. Just do what you do..." D.McCree (2005)"

My own personal interpretation, simply leads me to know in my heart that the right decisions are not without challenge, and that chunks, while hard to swallow, are indeed life-sustaining.

Okay, enough bush beating... Many of you may already know that at the end of January, I felt called to resign my position at justinePETERSEN. A job I began just weeks after Daniel's passing in 2007. The "JP" Family was such an amazing and supportive environment to work in, and a chapter I was very reluctant to close.

That being said, I am excited and faith-challenged to announce my newest venture, SmartChoice Center. Actually a side-project/ hobby I began with my former partner Chad back in 2005.

Over the past few years we would often turn to this project for a little extra income, as well as the expertise needed to create such places as www.Danie
lMcCree.Org & BellevillePride.com.

I dont think either of us would have imagined that in 2011, I would turn to the project as a full-time career. I must admit that at least in the first month, things are indeed terrifying but arent the most exciting adventures?

So for those of you who's ongoing support make this endeavor possible, I thank you from the deepest root of the vine. I shall continue to listen for that voice we all know, that often can be rather demanding-Or at least absolute in "sureness".

Please join me on Facebook and online: www.SmartChoiceSTL.com
Your ongoing love and support is always appreciated.

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