Daniel McCree Foundation

Daniel McCree Foundation

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Hope and Help Center

Many of you already know what an honor it has been to have developed DanielMcCree.org. For in knowing Daniel, my life would never again be the same as it was. Over the past year, the website began to take on a life of its own. It was Daniel, that insisted I return to MCCGSL nearly ten years after I first visited. And in his untimely death, much as in life, he was very persistant as to what I was to do. Including the development of his website, and my involvement in MCC churches. Daniel himself, took a 45min train ride, and a 3/4mile walk to get to St. Johns nearly every Sunday. So MCC really became my church home through knowing him.

So I was of course honored, when I was asked to take part in the development of The Hope and Help Center, as a way to further the causes Daniel himself felt so strongly about. Let us not forget he took in a homeless woman, and tended to spend his foodstamp money on his neighbors.
So the powerful concept known as THE HOPE AND HELP CENTER, is a ministry of MCC of Greater St. Louis, and hopes to become a community resource center for anyone thay may be in need. Once again, it too has taken on a life of its own, opening up possibilities not yet imagined.

I wanted to take note of the websites Launch, and know that Daniel's spirit has once again shown itelf through the Holy Spirit within each of us.
Colby editor@danielmccree.org

See Also: http://buildingtogether.mccgsl.org

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