Daniel McCree Foundation

Daniel McCree Foundation

Monday, October 4, 2010

October 2010 Newsletter - "For such a time as this"


A letter from the editor:

October 4, 2010
"Sometimes I don't Know Who I am- But don't you forget"
-Robert Knight

Dear friends and visitors:

It has truly been an amazing year, and one we shall not easily forget. I continue to be reminded of the promise kept~
Daniel always told me "My vine has roots that go very deep"

I continually find myself lead forward in directions one cannot easily decipher a reason for. So im practicing my listening skills, for that still quiet voice that sometimes is not so subtle.

This photo was taken in my back yard alley on Palm Sunday in 2007. It was taken during the time Danny was building a tent out of stick he found in the brush on our adjacent lot. A recent visit to this location reveals the building we lived in has gone into foreclosure, and is now boarded up to protect the copper within. It also serves as a reminder that ALL THINGS CHANGE, except the love we share.

This love, which we experience is the closest thing to God we can have while still on earth. We aren't often privy to know why we are lead in certain ways, but I have learned that something much greater than any one of us, equips us for what lays ahead.

A friend recently told me they didn't think they were strong enough to endure the challenges that were very clear and present. I could say nothing more than keep walking, and know that you will be carried when you cant stand on your own.

In the past month, I have been blessed to meet new friends in the outreach efforts of Metro East Pride. These connections serve as yet another reminder of our mission and purpose, and confirm that our work has impact far and wide.

As I may have mentioned, we recently rediscovered some of Daniels writing, that was published in the then-popular EXP Magazine. Once I have touched base with our Board of Directors, we will likely make this publication available online.

Much thanks goes out to Colin Murphy of Vital Voice Magazine, who you may know is an avid collector of St. Louis LGBT history. He was able to locate and send this article published in 2003. And ended the 3-year search we had endured in locating it.

We also want to announce our Board of Directors for 2011.
joining the team will be COLE WOFFORD, who shall replaces the vacancy left ending 2010.
Cole is a long-time friend of Daniel's and served as his AA sponsor just prior to his passing. He also volunteers with Sherwood's Forrest Camp for kids, and will be a welcome addition to our directors in the coming year.

Keep an eye out for this new exhibit- we will publish to our FACEBOOK page, as well as our primary website. (www.DanielMcCree.Org)

Finally, mark your callendar for OCTOBER 30th, as we join Metro East Pride for a Halloween Block Party in downtown Belleville. This event is the first major fundraiser of the 2011 season.
As we donated to MEP in 2010, we have selected ONE SAINT LOUIS as our primary benefactor until December of this year. It should also be noted that as a participant in the recent "Prowling With Robyn" fundraiser, hosted by TRANSHAVEN, the Daniel McCree Foundation made a small donation to benefit Trans Youth outreach. More info at www.Imatyfa.org

Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support of our mission~ unchanged since July 2007.

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