Daniel McCree Foundation

Daniel McCree Foundation

Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Danny Boy!


A note from the Editor:


November 21, 2010

"The mission of DanielMcCree.Org is to share with the world, the creative works and spirit of Daniel McCree, foster a dialogue for those who were moved by his life,while promoting the 7 Arts of Power: Literature ,Performing Art,Visual Art,Design Art, Decorative Art, Technological Art and Spirituality"

We set today aside to celebrate the 27 years of Daniel McCree's life, and remember the contributions of his life and spirit over the past 3 years. To put it in Daniel's own words:
‎"A silent stare is what the outside world must view while I'm walking through this. My
life's work has been to record my story in my own way using whatever
avenues communication or _expression will serve the purpose. "
--Danny McCree (time unknown)

1 comment:

MsCoulter said...

Happy Birthday Daniel!! Gone, never forgotten... <3 <3 <3

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