Daniel McCree Foundation

Daniel McCree Foundation

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 2009 Newsletter


A Note from the Editor:

The month of July is always a spiritual marker at DanielMcCree.Org, as we reflect on the year past, and look towards what we may do in our community in the year ahead. For many of us, the month brings much anticipation, reflection, and down-right anxiety.

We have not yet published the SITE REPORTS, for the month, but I am happy to report that as of today, the Gallery has received 764 Visitors, and more than 1500 page views, in the month of JULY ALONE. As I began to think about the purpose of our development of Daniels online Art Gallery, I recently looked into how many visitors we have received in the past 2 years. (Site launch was July 29, 2007) And amazingly, since we began, we have shared the spirit of Daniel McCree with more than 6,500 unique visitors, from around the world. Our mission has remained unchanged since our sites launch~

"The mission of DanielMcCree.Org is to share with the world,
the creative works and spirit of Daniel McCree,
foster a dialogue for those who were moved by his life,while promoting the 7 Arts of Power: Literature ,Performing Art,Visual Art,Design Art,
Decorative Art, Technological Art and Spirituality"

I am proud to report, we have made great strides in this endeavor. Coming in AUGUST, we will be working with MCC of Greater St. Louis, to purchase Daniel a commemorative brick "Paver" or "Legacy Tile", which will be added to the entryway of the new church facility, and soon to be completed Chapel, at MCCGSL.

Anyone that would like to donate funds towards this effort are encouraged to do so. Contact me directly for instructions on how to donate~ editor@DanielMcCree.Org

$50- is the need for a Legacy Brick ( Main Entrance Paver)
$100 - is the need for a Legacy Tile (Chapel Wall location)

Donations must be recieved prior to August 1st, and may be made online using any Debit/Credit card or electronic check. All donations are gladly accepted.

Your help is needed to obtain both items in the memory of Daniel McCree, due to the recent expenditures of the foundation at Metro East Pride, we will only be able to secure a Legacy Brick without any additional funding.

Finally, if you have not managed to visit our newest Gallery Exhibit "Jupiter Drops", we invite you to visit, and enjoy several new peices we have added to our collection of original works.

We wish to take a moment to thank all of our visitors, and regular readers for all the support you have given us over the past two years. Together with your help, we have made a true Legacy for our dear friend Daniel, and continued towards the causes he held dear to his heart. Again, we could not have done it without the support of each of you! See you along the path...


LEGACY BRICK/TILE DONATIONS MAY BE MADE BY VISITING: http://danielmccree.org/foundation.aspx

Friday, July 17, 2009

Some Reflections this July


Some Reflections this July~

I think what amazes me the most about the experience of knowing Daniel, was simply the complexity it would all take on. I thank God each day, that the spirit truly knocked me on my ass when I met Daniel, and it told me very clearly "Learn Everything you Can". And God Blessed it~ I DID.

I learned very quickly that whatever Daniel said, was intended on more than a single level. That was Daniel. Nearly 2 years later, I find he has really layed so many things before me, which have yet to be discovered. Soon after we met, I was enlisted to build his Myspace Page, and together we sat and created it. I dont often re-visit his myspace page, but perhaps every few months. But what I do remember, is that the plain text of the page, was what he himself had put there long before we met. "True Bees, with Wings and Balls" for example~ Thats who he wanted to meet.

Tonite, the spirit lead me to visit his page, and what jumped out at me~ was his favorite Movie.
"What Dreams May Come" released in 1998. I have never heard of this movie before, but again, I had to "look it up" as he often directed his online friends to do. Daniel was a Directive Being... it was that simple.
So I looked it up~ and not only does it offer such amazing insight into the life experience and spiritual expressionism that is Daniel McCree, but reminds me once again, Daniel seemed to have a story to tell, and a spiritually uplifting way of doing it. I certainly miss him, but with that being said, I also know he has found ways like this movie to make sure that just as he said, "I will have a new number soon, so we can stay in touch" or something very close to that.
Blessings are everywhere if you listen and look for them. So are the spirits of those we love.

...And I cant WAIT to see the whole movie!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July Art Gallery- Coming July 23rd~

"JoyRide" created around 2004

In remembrance of Daniel this July, marking the 2nd Anniversary, we will be unveiling a whole
new Art Gallery. I havent been told just yet, what the Gallery will be called, but I am exstactic to have more than a dozen peices that will be added to this gallery over the next 6months.

July 23 ~ Gallery Exhibition opening online
(There will be about 7 new peices added on this day)

"The mission of DanielMcCree.Org is to share with the world,
the creative works and spirit of Daniel McCree,
foster a dialogue for those who were moved by his life,while promoting the 7 Arts of Power: Literature ,Performing Art,Visual Art,Design Art,
Decorative Art, Technological Art and Spirituality"


MetroEast NEWS