December 10th
I must admit to you that the past month has been one of lack-luster inspiration, and in fact for the first time in nearly 5 years i have not kept our facebook updated as often and am still having the challenge to muster the inspiration for the December issue of MetroEast NEWS. In fact I have considered the option of ending this outreach project for lack of inspiration, collaboration and funding.
Nonetheless, I find myself firmly in the grasp of winter and nearly halfway thru the month and simply playing catch-up to what usually happens here at the closing of the year. Last month, Daniel's birthday passed without much fanfare and for the first time since our inception World AIDS Day came and went without much notice.
What I am reminding myself of is the simple blessing that I am here to continue to write to you, and the understanding that others out there may actually expect some of our traditions to go onward. So humbly I take on that my own inspiration is not ever what it has been about. Its about you who follow us and of course that which Danny held in his heart as important. Most of his artwork is in the sun room of the house which I rarely go into anymore, so I'm admitting he's been telling me to move it for a month now and listening is not optional with Daniel. The framed work will likely be in the living room by weeks end. And I also decided it was time to upload the artwork releases again to the MySlart Gallery to be visible once again and viewed by other artists around St. Louis. The revolving display has also been updated to our own landing page so we can share with you other artists from our region.
This week or perhaps next I will wrap my brain around our foundation's board meeting which is supposed to happen in December as we review the past year and decide on a piece of artwork to be reproduced in the summer of 2013. For those of you who look for these releases, as our tradition it will be available in June and given away to our supporters and collectors. In 2012 we produced 10 prints, and if anyone did not get one or wanted one, we may have one or two left. Contact Emily Smith for more info: danielmccreeorg@gmail.com If we have any left they are located in Belleville.
So I have gotten a bit wordy in this update so I will simply close with one of our long-standing traditions of sharing the video "At the closing of the year" It always seems to bring Christmas to wherever i am so I hope it can do the same for someone else who is like me... hates the stress and obligations that christmas always seems to bring. If a drum is all you have.. beat that drum until someone listens. (At the closing of the year)
But you must kimatsu....It is necessary
by: Daniel McCree
Dramatic increase of dynamic defragmentation denouncing decorative deities diluting dilineated demonstration of demoralizing the diabolic onset of dementia enabling concise realization of dream scape realization. Instigation of interpretive insignia inevitably increase ignoble idiosyncrasies regarding aforementioned dreamscape.Instigating itineraries of symmetrical proportion in strict aberation of dyonisian principles of prolific principalities accompanied by precognitive placement of patrician insignia in addition to pragmatic applications ensures concise conceptual propagation.
Incarceration of illigetimate articles ensures the negation of infidelity Depth and Width amongst contrary conceptualizations intrinsic calculations concluding incorrigable mediums prohibit incredulous acrewment of accolades. Atonement derivatives being simplification accompanied by fragmented erroneous gesticulations.
Approportionate marriages regarding depth and with enables allusions of spacial magnification. Intrepid consummation of abstraction denys proportionate alotment to visual and contentual conceptual procurement. Intermittent personification of practical trivial matter cumulatively conveys kinetic fields. Concentration implies depth while cyclical concentration denotes planar consistency Helixical incantation evokes synaptical commotion.
Inclusive encapsulation of said helix plus connotation of and positioned strategically placed organic form instigates ideally harmonious malignant beingness. As organic expression meet artifice in planar and spacial harmony instigates utopian kingdom. Incomplete collaborations pre-cognate manifest destiny of depravity. Randomized commisseration consecration of insignificant fodder utilitarian bearing singularly aesthetic .
Negligent articulation (conjugation) of preconceived content precipitates pandimonium *ecclesiastic elaboration upon fundamental elements promotes transgression. Impervious impartiality responsive to perspective landmarkds incites distortion of balance.
Adherence to defined principles bears direct correlation to future enentual satisfactory completion. Interrelation of adherence to preconceived principles of intrinsic states of independant incalcitration are acheived by pythagorean spacial division of space. Circumvential linear content derives kinetikly fluid emotion. Applying aristocratic adherence of absolution denies fluidity, erego stagnation